Does Crying Really Burn Calories Efficiently?
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Does Crying Really Burn Calories Efficiently?

Have you ever wondered if crying can actually help you burn calories? Many people believe that shedding tears can be a form of exercise, but is there any truth to this claim? In this article, we will explore the science behind crying and its potential impact on calorie burning.

By examining various studies and expert opinions, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of whether crying can indeed be an efficient way to shed those extra calories. So, grab a tissue, and let’s delve into the fascinating world of crying and its potential effects on our bodies.

The science behind crying and calorie burning

Crying is a natural and common emotional response to various situations. From joy to sadness, tears can signal a wide range of emotions. But have you ever wondered if crying could actually impact your body’s metabolism and lead to calorie burning? In this article, we will explore the scientific evidence behind the connection between crying and calorie expenditure.

How crying affects the body’s metabolism

When you cry, your body goes through several physiological changes. One of the main effects is an increase in heart rate, which can temporarily elevate your metabolism. This means that while you are shedding tears, your body is actually expending some energy in the form of calories.

However, it is important to note that the increase in calorie burning during crying is relatively small compared to other activities. While some studies suggest that crying can contribute to a slightly higher metabolic rate, the impact is not significant enough to rely on crying as a weight loss strategy.

The role of tears in calorie expenditure

Tears play a crucial role in the process of crying, and they may also have a minor influence on calorie expenditure. Tears contain a variety of substances, including proteins and hormones that are released when we cry. These components can slightly increase energy expenditure as your body digests and processes them.

Research has shown that tears, particularly emotional tears, contain higher levels of stress-induced hormones such as cortisol. These hormones can temporarily stimulate your body’s metabolism and contribute to additional calorie burning. However, the effect on overall calorie expenditure is minimal and shouldn’t be considered a significant contributor to weight loss.

Measuring calorie burning during crying

To better understand the relationship between crying and calorie burning, scientists have utilized various methods to measure energy expenditure.

In addition, individuals aiming for natural weight loss can incorporate a carb intake calculator to track and manage their carbohydrate consumption effectively.

Scientific methods used to measure calorie expenditure

One common method used to measure calorie burning is indirect calorimetry, which involves analyzing oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. By comparing the oxygen utilization during crying to the resting state, researchers can estimate the additional energy expended during the process.

Another approach involves measuring heart rate and metabolic rate using wearable devices. These devices provide valuable data on the changes in energy expenditure induced by crying and offer insights into the body’s physiological response.

Studies on calorie burning during crying

Several studies have investigated the calorie burning potential of crying. One study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that crying for around 10 minutes led to a modest increase in metabolic rate, resulting in an estimated 5-15 extra calories burned. However, this amount is significantly lower compared to the calories burned during physical exercise or everyday activities.

While the findings indicate that crying can have a slight impact on calorie burning, it is crucial to recognize that crying is primarily an emotional release rather than a significant contributor to weight loss.

The connection between emotions and crying

Emotions play a vital role in triggering tears. When we experience intense emotions such as sadness, grief, or joy, crying can serve as an outlet for releasing pent-up feelings. But how do emotions impact crying, and is there a correlation between emotional states, hormone release, and calorie burning?

The impact of emotional states on crying

Emotional states can significantly influence the frequency and intensity of crying episodes. When faced with a highly emotional situation, such as the loss of a loved one or a heartwarming moment, our bodies may produce more tears as a response. The emotional connection to crying suggests that there may be a relationship between the release of hormones and calorie burning during these periods.

The release of stress-induced hormones and calorie burning

When emotions run high, our bodies release stress-induced hormones such as cortisol. These hormones can affect various bodily functions, including metabolism. It is theorized that the release of stress-induced hormones during crying might temporarily elevate metabolic rate and contribute to additional calorie burning.

However, it is important to note that the impact of these hormones on calorie expenditure is relatively limited. While the temporary increase in metabolic rate during crying may contribute to a slight rise in energy expenditure, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on overall body weight.

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Comparing calorie burning during crying to other activities

To put into perspective the calorie burning potential of crying, it is essential to compare it to other activities that contribute to energy expenditure.

Calories burned during crying versus exercise

While crying can increase your basal metabolic rate, it pales in comparison to the calorie burning potential of exercise. Engaging in physical activities such as jogging, swimming, or cycling can significantly elevate your heart rate and metabolism, resulting in a far greater calorie burn.

For instance, a 30-minute moderate-intensity jog can burn approximately 300 calories, whereas the additional calorie burning from crying is minimal in comparison. Thus, relying on crying alone as a weight loss strategy is unlikely to yield significant results.

Crying as a potential weight loss strategy

While crying may briefly increase your metabolic rate, it is crucial to approach it as a natural emotional release rather than a weight loss strategy. Relying solely on crying to achieve weight loss goals is not scientifically supported and can lead to unrealistic expectations.

Crying should be embraced as a healthy mechanism for processing and expressing emotions, rather than an activity focused on calorie burning. Engaging in a balanced diet, regular exercise, and overall healthy lifestyle choices are the most effective approaches for achieving sustainable weight loss.

Does Crying Really Burn Calories Efficiently?

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Factors that influence calorie burning during crying

Several factors can influence the calorie burning potential during crying. Understanding these factors can provide insights into the variations in energy expenditure from person to person.

Duration and intensity of crying

The duration and intensity of a crying episode can impact the overall calorie burning. Longer and more intense crying episodes may lead to a slight increase in metabolic rate and subsequently result in a marginally higher calorie burn.

However, it is important to note that individual differences in metabolic rates also play a significant role. Some individuals naturally have higher metabolic rates, which can contribute to slightly increased energy expenditure during crying.

Individual differences in metabolic rates

Metabolism varies from person to person, influenced by factors such as age, genetics, and overall health. Individuals with a naturally faster metabolism may experience a slightly higher calorie burn during crying than those with a slower metabolism.

However, it is important to remember that the impact of these individual differences is relatively small and should not be relied upon as a weight loss strategy. Sustainable weight loss requires a comprehensive approach that includes a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and healthy lifestyle choices.

Claims and misconceptions about crying and calorie burning

Various claims and misconceptions circulate regarding the calorie burning effect of crying. Let’s address some of the most common ones and provide counterarguments based on scientific evidence.

Myth: Crying excessively can lead to significant weight loss

One common myth suggests that excessive crying can result in substantial weight loss. However, this claim is not supported by scientific evidence. While crying may temporarily elevate metabolic rate, the overall calorie burn is generally minimal and unlikely to result in significant weight loss.

Furthermore, excessive crying can lead to emotional distress and affect overall well-being. It is important to approach crying as a natural emotional release rather than a means to achieve weight loss goals.

Counterarguments against the calorie burning effect of crying

While crying can contribute to a small increase in calorie burning, counterarguments based on scientific evidence highlight its limited impact on weight loss. The additional calories burned during crying are negligible compared to the calories expended through exercise or everyday physical activities.

It is crucial to approach crying as a natural emotional response rather than a deliberate strategy for weight loss. Focusing on maintaining a healthy lifestyle through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and emotional well-being is the most effective approach for achieving sustainable weight management.

Does Crying Really Burn Calories Efficiently

Source: TheTechBrain AI

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can crying be considered a form of exercise?

While crying may increase your heart rate and temporarily elevate your metabolic rate, it cannot be considered a form of exercise. Exercise involves intentional physical activity that aims to elevate heart rate and exertion for a prolonged period.

Crying functions as an emotional release rather than a deliberate physical exertion. Engaging in regular exercise has numerous health benefits and contributes significantly to calorie burning and weight management.

Q: Is there a specific type of crying that burns more calories?

There is no specific type of crying known to burn more calories. The calorie burning potential during crying is influenced by factors such as duration, intensity, and individual metabolic rates.

While crying with higher emotional intensity might lead to a marginally higher metabolic rate, the overall impact on energy expenditure is still relatively limited. Prioritize overall emotional well-being instead of relying on specific types of crying for potential calorie burning.

Q: Does crying for longer durations result in more calorie burning?

Crying for longer durations may contribute to a marginally higher calorie burn due to the prolonged increase in metabolic rate. However, the impact is relatively small.

It is important to approach crying as a natural emotional release rather than a means to achieve significant calorie burning. Sustainable weight management requires a comprehensive approach that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and emotional well-being.


The science behind crying and calorie burning reveals that while crying can lead to a modest increase in metabolic rate, the overall impact on calorie expenditure is minimal. Crying should primarily be viewed as a natural emotional release rather than a weight loss strategy.

To achieve sustainable weight management, focus on regular exercise, a balanced diet, and emotional well-being. Rather than relying on crying alone, it is essential to adopt a holistic lifestyle that promotes overall health and well-being.

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